Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel: ENSI submits the Eighth National Report to the IAEA
ENSI has submitted the eighth Swiss National Report to the Joint Convention. In March 2025, the contracting parties will evaluate the national reports at the Eighth International Review Meeting. In the report, ENSI provides information on the current situation regarding the handling of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel elements, the planned deep geological repository and the corresponding national legal and regulatory framework.
The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, in short, the Joint Convention, aims to achieve and maintain a high level of safety in the handling and storage of spent fuel and radioactive waste in the contracting states.
The Joint Convention came into force in 2001. Every three years, the contracting parties inform each other by means of National Reports on how they have implemented the requirements of the international convention. Currently, the Joint Convention has 90 contracting parties.
In the eighth Swiss National Report, ENSI pays particular attention to:
- radioactive waste in the interim storage facilities in Switzerland,
- the situation regarding the Sectoral plan for deep geological repositories and Nagra’s Proposal for a combined repository in the site area North of Lägern,
- general licence preparations for a deep geological repository in the North Lägern site and the evaluation by ENSI,
- the state of decommissioning of Swiss nuclear installations,
- the updating of Guidelines relating to: ENSI-G05 “Transport and Storage Casks for Interim Storage”, ENSI-G12 “Installation-internal Radiation Protection”, ENSI-G18 “Fire Protection” and ENSI-G23 “Design Requirements for other Nuclear installations”.
ENSI will present the Swiss National Report at the Eighth Review Meeting in March 2025, where it will be reviewed by the other parties.
Seventy-six countries attended the last review meeting in summer 2022 and Switzerland received positive feedback for its Seventh National Report: The contracting parties concluded that Switzerland honoured its commitments to the Joint Convention.
Further information
8th Swiss Report to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management