Anne Eckhardt Scheck
Dr. sc. nat., biophysicist, independent consultant
Anne Eckhardt (1962) studied biology majoring in biophysics and obtained her doctorate in 1990 at ETH Zurich.
She then worked for the engineering consultants Basler & Hofmann, Zürich advising on the safety of technical systems and natural hazards. She also built up and managed its Technology and Society Department. Since 1998, she has taken a particular interest in the opportunities and risks associated with new technology. Anne Eckhardt was a member of KSA, the former Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Commission from 1997–2000 and again from 2005–2007. From 1999–2002, she was a member of EKRA, the group of experts developing disposal concepts for the deep geological storage of radioactive waste. Anne Eckhardt is currently an independent consultant with risicare GmbH.