Information on the current situation in Ukraine with links to the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, Western European Nuclear Regulators Association WENRA, Federal Office of Public Health FOPH and Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP.
Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that releases a very low energy beta radiation. The tritium releases from Swiss nuclear plants via wastewater are dependent on the reactor power, and in the period from 2015 to 2020 were of the same order of magnitude as for the preceding years.
When a person is exposed to a radiation field, the radiation acts on the body by releasing its energy into the body: It is said that the person has an accumulated dose. Doses can be expressed in grays or sieverts. The absorbed dose of energy is expressed in grays or milligrays and corresponds to the […]
Classified radiation workers are those who, through their employment, can accumulate an effective dose of more than 1 mSv per year, that is a dose greater than the limit for the general population. Dosimetry is mandatory for classified workers.
When ionisation occurs, electrons are removed from the shells of atoms or molecules. The remaining atom or molecule then has a positive electric charge and is called a cation.