HSK Oversight Report 2007
2007 saw major changes to energy policy in Switzerland – a new national energy strategy, the new Federal Electricity Supply Act, the concept for a Master Plan for a deep geological repository and new legislation governing ENSI, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, all of which will impact on the work of the Inspectorate. In February 2007, the Federal Council adopted a new energy policy with four main strands: energy efficiency, renewable energies, large-scale power
plants and the strengthening of international cooperation. In its announcement on 21 February 2007, it said: The Federal Council remains committed to nuclear energy and considers it essential to replace existing nuclear power plants or build new ones». The Federal Council is convinced that this approach will guarantee energy supplies in Switzerland in the medium and long term. The industry has already responded to the announcement and indicated that it will apply for general license for at least two new nuclear power plants before the end of 2008 or at the beginning of 2009.
Download 2007 Oversight Report (German, PDF, 7 MB)