ENSI as regulatory body

ENSI is responsible for the supervision of Swiss nuclear facilities, i.e. the nuclear power stations, the interim storage facility for radioactive waste, the nuclear research facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne. Its regulatory remit covers the entire life of a facility, i.e. from initial planning, through operation to final decommissioning including the disposal of radioactive waste.

Its remit also includes the safety of staff and the public and their protection from radiation, sabotage and terrorism.

ENSI is also involved in the transport of radioactive materials to and from nuclear facilities and in the continuing geoscientific investigations to identify a suitable location for the deep geological disposal of radioactive waste.

ENSI supports research into nuclear safety and is represented on more than 70 international commissions and specialist groups working in the field of nuclear safety. It makes, therefore an active contribution to new international safety guidelines. Through its network of contacts, ENSI is in touch with current developments in science and technology and discharges its regulatory remit on the basis of global experience in nuclear energy.

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The continuous improvement of nuclear safety and security in Switzerland is the main concern of international cooperation. The regulatory exchange of information and experience plays an important role in this. The ENSI Board therefore updated and adopted the Strategy International Activities.

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With the service mandate from 2024 to 2027, the ENSI Board has set new targets for the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI). The focus of ENSI’s regulatory activities is now the safe long-term operation of the nuclear power plants.

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The conclusion of the experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) upon completion of the two-week review mission is that Switzerland has a robust nuclear security system. During the mission of the International Physical Protection Advisory Service IPPAS, from 30 October to 10 November 2023, the international team carried out a detailed examination of the national foundations and measures for the protection of nuclear installations, nuclear material and radioactive material against unauthorised intervention.

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The events in Japan are a reminder that we must never let down our guard. It is essential to ensure the safety of Swiss nuclear power plants right up until their final days of operation. Moreover, the accident in Japan shone a light on another important aspect: emergency preparedness.

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150 employees of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI work every day in various fields for the nuclear safety of the Swiss population.

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