
The conclusion of the experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) upon completion of the two-week review mission is that Switzerland has a robust nuclear security system. During the mission of the International Physical Protection Advisory Service IPPAS, from 30 October to 10 November 2023, the international team carried out a detailed examination of the national foundations and measures for the protection of nuclear installations, nuclear material and radioactive material against unauthorised intervention.

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Convention on Nuclear Safety

The eighth and ninth review conference of the Convention on Nuclear Safety praised Switzerland for the federal partial funding of ENSI’s research programme. The long-term retention of competence for nuclear safety in Switzerland was also highlighted as a challenge. In summary, Switzerland performed well in an international comparison.

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KORA: Corrosion Crack Growth in Austenitic Structural Materials. KORA deals with ageing processes that affect steel components in the primary circuit in nuclear power plants, focusing specifically on two processes: stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue. Stress corrosion cracking can cause long and thin branched fissures which cannot be detected with the naked eye. The […]

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